Friday, February 12, 2016

Trapped Between Two Dams

May Titthara
Thursday, 07 January 2016

A sign in Sre Ko village, Stung Treng province says its residents will die in their homes if the Lower Se San Dam ll is completed. The village will be submerged by the dam’s reservoir. KT / Mai Vireak

From the hammock beneath his home in Sre Ko village along the southern banks of the Se San River in Stung Treng province, Fort Kheun remains adamant that he will not relocate to make way for the 336-kilomter reservoir that will stretch behind the Lower Se San River Dam after it is built.

He wants construction of the dam to stop, but he has a strategy for remaining in his home if it proceeds. “I will buy 600 bamboo trees to make a floating house,” he said. “When the reservoir covers my home we will float above it, so that I can still live in my village.”  

Mr. Kheun is one of the more outspoken critics of the $816 million, 75-meter high dam that will displace 5,000 people to supply electricity to five provinces. “Electricity?” he asks angrily. “Our village can survive without electricity. We don’t need it.”

He also has a message to the companies constructing the dam. “Please go away, you have only just started your project and my forest is going, my wild animals are fleeing to other countries. Is this protecting nature?” 

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