Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Timber Tycoon Given Honorary Doctorate

May Titthara

Tycoon Try Pheap holding a tree during a ceremony at his company’s land development in Veal Veng district, Pursat province last year. Pix from web /Try Pheap Group.com

Tycoon Try Pheap, famous for his timber deals and former role as one of the prime minister’s many advisors, was granted an honorary doctorate in economics by IIC University of Technology yesterday for what its rector described as his infinite contributions to the nation’s development.
“The award of honorary doctorate has a very high value because this title is given only to eminent people who have served and developed the country in a very decent and respectful manner,” IIC rector Chhuon Chanthon said, adding that he was one of 15 professors on the committee that granted the honorary doctorate in economics to the tycoon.
Their decision was made carefully, he said.
 Mr. Pheap merits a doctorate, the rector insisted, because of the pivotal role he has played in the Kingdom’s development. “Our committee supports him 100 percent because he has helped the nation a lot. His achievement is huge,” Mr. Chanthon said, noting that Mr. Pheap had risen from humble beginnings to high status.

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